The best version of that song is by Mr. E (look it up, thank me later).

Busy weekend with Thrill Saint Pete zombie dancers coming together to dance for Shore Acres Elementary trunk or treat, the annual Euclid Neighborhood Haunted Hike (dude. Ellie brought her hearse!)

And a simultaneous private Halloween masquerade ball

After the bride and bridal party had quietly, secretly been rehearsing with us at Radius Church for weeks in preparation.

And the busiest weekend is yet to come!

Anona Trunk or Treat for one of our favorite zombie dancer families

...a couple more private events donating to Birds in Helping Hands and the BIG 'un, #HalloweenOnCentral2 Sunday Oct 30th If you're looking for the dancing zombies, our Zombification Station (need a makeover? We got you!) will be set up around 15th Street North (around the Edge Eatery, Brooklyn South and Fusion Apts)

We'll be dancing and shuffling between these and the Sundial sculpture (the roundabout near Bodega, Enigma and the Independent) from noon til 5pm.
We have one more in person rehearsal tomorrow night @Rad church
...but if you send us a Facebook message or email and ask to be added to the private Zombie Dancer page, we have video tutorials (nobody is Coppola so don't hate the quality) and you don't have to be perfect, you don't have to know all the dances, when in doubt stare at someone and creep them out or do the floppy zombie! Really, just throw some rice in latex in your chin and fake blood and join us! The more the scarier!
And EVERY dime raised goes to Birds in Helping Hands this year. Thrill Saint Pete is entirely made up of volunteers. We get free rehearsal space from Radius Church, the rest of us pay for stickers and website fees. We don't charge you to rehearse or perform with us. Thrill Saint Pete dancers and volunteers keep this group Undead, raising money for charities and community building for over a decade. So if we haven't told you lately, THANK YOU!