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All our dancers are volunteers and we thank you for your energy and time! But here, we give special thanks to those that give "extra". Meet our volunteer event coordinators and Dance instructors

Sherry and Kira zombies
Sherry is a marine and a zombie. A quiet, creepy staple of Thrill St. Pete from the start. From taking photos, to promotions to dancing, we could not do what we do without her!
Although not military, Kira is a bit like a drill instructor in her methodical teaching of Thriller. A member of Thrill St Pete since 2012, you WILL learn this complicated, iconic routine in her classes.
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Sherry and Kira zombies
Kate aka Lola Liza zombie
Leanna aka Lady Rottenbottom zombie
Kate aka Lola Schmoozy has been dancing Thriller since 1999 and has been part of Thrill St. Pete since it's inception in 2009. An instructor, a sorta-choreographer, promoter,  jack of all arts, master of none.
Leanna aka Lady Rottenbottom also has been part of Thrill St. Pete from the start. Instructor, choreographer, she will make you sweat til you bleed! Is that dope enough? Indeed!
Jennifer has been principal in keeping Thrill St. Pete alive (or rather, Undead) since 2015. Spearheading promotions and events all while juggling motherhood and the challenge that is teaching in public schools.
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Jennifer Rays baseball fan zombie
Joanne and her (very tall) zombie half, Chris, have been part of Thrill St. Pete since the beginning as performers, face painters and pretty much anything else that is asked of them.
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Meet Karen, Rowena and Chris. Karen is the creator of Z-Skins while Rowena created the Thrill St. Pete logo. They are award-winning MUA/SFX and creature actors and the reasons no one else stands a chance to ever win "scariest costume" award.
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And watch out for Thrill St. Pete's newest edition, Deneshia got a taste for fake blood in 2021 and we are excited to see what fresh choreography she brings to the troupe! Check out her page!

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Last Edited  2/12/2021 by Lola Schmoozy and Joanne Hoey

The ORIGINAL Thrill St. Pete Established 2009

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